Kanser payudara: Faktor berisiko dan gejala

APA itu kanser? Mungkin inilah persoalan yang bermain-main di minda kebanyakan dalam kalangan kita orang awam. Tidak dinafikan, ramai dalam kalangan orang awam memahami kanser itu dengan makna apa saja ketumbuhan yang berlaku di badan kita. Sedangkan definisi kanser dari perspektif perubatan itu berbeza daripada perspektif dan pemahaman orang awam.
Dalam ilmu perubatan, ketumbuhan atau ‘tumor’ adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan sel-sel yang tidak terkawal dan tidak normal di dalam badan. Ketumbuhan ini boleh dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu ketumbuhan yang bukan kanser serta tidak merebak (benign) dan ketumbuhan kanser yang berbahaya serta boleh merebak kepada organ-organ lain (malignant).
Ketumbuhan yang tidak berbahaya (benign) contohnya lipoma (ketumbuhan pada lemak di badan) hanya boleh membesar tetapi tidak boleh merebak jauh melibatkan organ-organ lain dalam badan. Akan tetapi ketumbuhan kanser yang boleh membahayakan nyawa penghidapnya seperti kanser payudara ini boleh membesar dan merebak jauh melibatkan organ-organ yang lain seperti hati, paru-paru, tulang dan lain-lain organ badan.
Jika kanser ini tidak dirawat dan tidak dikesan pada peringkat awal, maka kesembuhannya sangat rendah dan jangka hayat seseorang juga akan menurun bergantung pada tahap kanser payudara tersebut semasa ianya dikesan.
Siapakah yang berisiko?
Mungkin dalam kalangan kita orang awam hanya menggangap bahawa kanser payudara ini hanya berlaku dalam kalangan perempuan sahaja. Sebenarnya anggapan ini adalah tidak benar, kerana orang lelaki juga boleh menghidap penyakit kanser payudara. Statistik daripada kajian menunjukkan kurang 1 peratus daripada keseluruhan penghidap kanser payudara adalah berlaku dalam kalangan lelaki.
Di samping itu, faktor-faktor lain yang boleh mendatangkan risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat kanser payudara terutamannya dalam kalangan perempuan adalah:
1) Umur
Risiko kanser payudara akan meningkat dengan peningkatan umur seseorang. Pesakit yang lebih tua atau berumur 40 tahun ke atas secara kajiannya mempunyai kebarangkalian yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat kanser payudara berbanding mereka yang di usia muda.
2) Sejarah keluarga
Golongan wanita yang mempunyai ibu atau adik beradik perempuan yang menghidap kanser payudara mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat kanser payudara berbanding dengan golongan wanita yang tidak mempunyai sejarah kanser payudara dalam keluarga mereka. Kajian juga menunjukkan mereka yang mempunyai warisan mutasi genetic BRCA1 dan BRCA2 juga memiliki risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat kanser payudara pada masa hadapan.
3) Bagi golongan yang pernah menghidap kanser payudara dan telah mendapat rawatan yang sepenuhnya serta sudah bebas dari kanser payudara masih lagi mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat kanser payudara pada sebelah payudara yang normal. Di samping itu, golongan yang pernah menghidapi penyakit ketumbuhan benign (tumor bukan kanser) payudara juga mempunyai risiko untuk menghidap kanser payudara.
4) Faktor reproduktif (pembiakan)
Di antara faktor reproduktif yang menyumbang kepada risiko kanser payudara adalah:
- Perempuan yang datang haid awal seawal umur kurang dari 12 tahun
- Perempuan yang putus haid lewat lebih dari umur 55 tahun
- Perempuan yang berumur lebih daripada 30 tahun dan tidak pernah mengandung (nulliparous)
- Perempuan yang mengandung anak pertama berumur lebih daripada 30 tahun
- Perempuan yang tidak menyusu atau menyusu setiap anak-anaknya kurang daripada 12 bulan penyusuan
- Mereka yang mengambil pil kontraseptif juga mempunyai risiko untuk menghidap kanser payudara terutamannya yang mengambil sebelum mengandung anak yang pertama
5) Pendedahan kepada radiasi
Golongan yang mempunyai sejarah radiasi pada bahagian dada untuk penyembuhan kanser yang lain (contohnya kanser kelenjar limfa pada leher) yang dilakukan pada umur muda kurang daripada 20 tahun juga mempunyai risiko untuk mendapat kanser payudara.
Walaupun begitu, kajian menunjukkan radiasi yang disebabkan oleh ujian mammogram yang dilakukan untuk mengesan kanser payudara tidak mempunyai risiko untuk mendapat kanser payudara.
Apakah gejala awal dan tanda-tanda kanser payudara?
Kebiasaannya pesakit akan datang dengan gejala seperti biji ketumbuhan pada tisu payudara mereka. Biji ketumbuhan ini boleh dirasai dari sekecil saiz seperti biji kacang hijau sehinggalah ketumbuhannya memenuhi keseluruhan tisu payudara. Kebiasaannya biji ketumbuhan ini tidak sakit dan ia merupakan perubahan dan tanda utama bagi pesakit kanser payudara.
Sekiranya biji ketumbuhan ini dapat dikesan pada peringkat awal dengan saiz yang kecil maka rawatan serta penyembuhannya sangat bagus berbanding sekirannya ia dikesan pada peringkat akhir dengan saiz yang besar sehingga sudah melibatkan kulit payudara dan biji limpa sekitaran (bawah ketiak).
Di samping itu pesakit juga boleh datang ke hospital dengan gejala-gejala lain seperti:
- Lelehan pada puting payudara
Lelehan yang keluar dari puting payudara terutamannya yang bercampur dengan darah yang keluar secara spontan tanpa ransangan ataupun kesan dari kecederaan fizikal.
- Perubahan pada puting dan kulit payudara
Kadang-kadang pesakit kanser payudara boleh datang dengan gejala perubahan pada puting dan kulit payudara. Kebiasaannya ini adalah tanda-tanda kanser payudara itu sudah memasuki peringkat yang lebih merbahaya. Di antara perubahannya adalah seperti perubahan bentuk puting dan puting kelihatan tenggelam, kulit sekitar puting kelihatan berbintik-bintik merah (ruam) dan gatal, dan kulit pada payudara kelihatan seperti terbentuk lekukan kecil seakan-akan seperti kulit buah oren.
Ketumbuhan dan ulcer
Ini biasanya berlaku di peringkat lewat di mana sel-sel kanser sudah merebak ke kulit luar payudara. Ulcer atau kudis yang terbentuk biasanya berbau busuk dan kadang-kadang menyebabkan pendarahan yang banyak.
- Gejala kanser payudara yang sudah merebak
Pesakit kanser payudara yang sudah merebak jauh ke bahagian lain organ badan akan datang dengan gejala spesifik organ tersebut. Sebagai contoh, kanser yang sudah merebak ke paru-paru akan datang dengan gejala seperti batuk yang kronik, susah nafas dan sakit dalam dada. Manakala kanser yang merebak ke otak akan mendapat tanda-tanda seperti angin ahmar iaitu lumpuh, sawan atau tahap kesedaran berubah.
Adalah amat penting dalam kita mengetahui gejala-gejala ini serta golongan yang mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat kanser payudara agar kita dapat mengesan kanser ini di peringkat awal. Pengesanan kanser di peringkat awal ini akan lebih memudahkan rawatan dan memberi kesembuhan yang sangat tinggi.
Di samping itu, pengetahuan ini juga boleh meningkatkan kesedaran yang tinggi dalam kalangan kita orang awam agar objektif bulan kanser payudara yang disambut pada setiap tahun pada bulan Oktober akan tercapai
Source : Harakahdaily
Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers

Once the initial shock of a mesothelioma diagnosis has passed, patients and loved ones are often left wondering how they can afford expensive treatment and other financial hardships. Choosing the right mesothelioma lawyer to represent you is an important first step in ensuring your family’s financial future.
Statutes of limitations vary from state to state, and you may be running out of time to file a lawsuit for compensation. That’s why it’s important to learn about your legal options as soon as possible.
Not all lawyers are created equal. Mesothelioma lawsuits are complex and time sensitive. A lawyer with a history of successful asbestos litigation makes the process simple and hassle free, giving you more time to focus on what matters most: Your health and family.
An experienced mesothelioma lawyer will handle your case from start to finish and explain your options along the way. They are familiar with other avenues of compensation and will help you make the right decision.
Bankrupt asbestos companies have set aside billions to compensate people diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases. Asbestos trust fund claims are filed out of court and can get those injured by negligent companies the compensation they deserve — often quicker than a traditional lawsuit.
Military veterans exposed to asbestos during service can file a disability claim with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). A qualified asbestos attorney can help veterans navigate the complicated VA claims process as well as legal routes.
Reasons for Hiring an Experienced Mesothelioma Attorney
Better Resources
Asbestos law is complex. Only specialized mesothelioma lawyers have the resources and experience you need for such an important undertaking. Because every claim is different, your lawyer will explain the types of compensation available for your situation and evaluate how much money you can receive.
Compassion and Understanding
An asbestos lawyer will be compassionate during the hard time you and your loved ones are going through. A representative from the attorney’s firm will travel to you when gathering information for your case. The law firm will work hard to make sure you don’t have to spend a day in court unless it is absolutely necessary.
Mesothelioma attorneys are familiar with the companies that used asbestos. They know which job sites caused significant asbestos exposure and which products contained high concentrations of the toxic mineral. Identifying when and where you were exposed to asbestos is crucial to winning your claim.
Winning Track Record
Asbestos industry defenders always put up a tough fight. You need a national law firm with a proven track record of winning asbestos lawsuits or large settlements. Qualified attorneys know the best jurisdictions for filing claims, and they are also well versed in the asbestos trust fund claims process.
What Expenses Can Be Covered by Legal Compensation?
A trustworthy attorney will never guarantee an outcome, a settlement or a successful jury verdict. However, finding a mesothelioma lawyer who can offer a high probability of successwill make it easier to obtain compensation.
In addition to expensive treatments not covered by your health insurance, other common expenses for mesothelioma patients include:
    Common expenses for mesothelioma patients
    Lost wages
    Caregiver costs
    Travel expenses for treatment
    Funeral expenses
    Therapy and grief support
    Other expenses not covered by insurance

It is important to save all your medical and financial records so your lawyer can have updated information about your expenses. In addition to compensation to cover expenses, mesothelioma lawsuits may include punitive damages to punish the defendant and award the plaintiff for their pain and suffering.
Differences in Legal Options
Asbestos exposure is often the result of someone else’s negligence, making mesothelioma an almost entirely preventable cancer. Many companies knew of the dangers of asbestos but failed to warn their employees. Lawsuits hold these companies accountable while providing much-needed compensation to those diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases.
A qualified asbestos lawyer will help you decide if it’s better to file a lawsuit or pursue another type of claim, as well as estimate the potential value of your claim.
Depending on your situation, it may even be possible for you to receive compensation without stepping foot in court. Many people have successfully done so through asbestos trust claims, VA disability claims and out-of-court settlements.
Filing a Lawsuit in Court
There are two types of asbestos injury lawsuits: Personal injury claims and wrongful death suits.
Specific rights in these lawsuits depend on the county and state where the case is filed. A mesothelioma lawyer will help you determine which of these lawsuits is best for you or your family.
Personal Injury Claim
An individual diagnosed with mesothelioma can file a personal injury claim against one or more companies that may be responsible for their illness. Many cases are settled out of court.
Wrongful Death Suit
The family of a person who died from the asbestos-related disease can file a wrongful death lawsuit. There is a possibility they may need to appear in court.
Filing a Trust Claim Outside of Court
More than 60 trusts have been established on behalf of asbestos companies that filed for bankruptcy reorganization to avoid future lawsuits. The U.S. government requires these companies to fund these trusts with enough money to pay out current and future claims.
It is estimated that asbestos trust funds contain more than $30 billion in total.
Filing for VA Benefits
Military veterans can apply for VA benefits such as health care and monthly disability compensation. The surviving spouses and children of veterans who died of service-related disabilities can apply for a monthly Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefit.
According to the 2016 Veterans Compensation Benefits Rate Tables, an unmarried veteran without children can receive more than $2,900 per month, while a married veteran with at least one child can receive nearly $3,200 per month.
Lawsuit Settlements
You may file a lawsuit and win compensation without having to go to court. The vast majority of mesothelioma lawsuits never go to trial. Although a jury verdict may result in a larger reward, mesothelioma settlements are guaranteed compensation and a quicker resolution to a case.
Trials can be lengthy and some plaintiffs might not receive compensation until months after the verdict, depending on an appeal. An experienced lawyer will explain the strengths of your case and help you decide whether to settle or seek a verdict.
Can I Afford an Attorney?
In asbestos lawsuits, attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing until you receive compensation and nothing at all if your case is not successful.
Contingency fees protect you because they usually are based on a percentage of any compensation you receive. Be sure to discuss this percentage during your first meeting with an attorney.
Mesothelioma Verdicts
Mesothelioma lawsuits have helped hundreds of thousands of people seek compensation from companies that negligently exposed them to asbestos. The ultimate goal is to put money in the hands of someone who needs help reducing financial hardships during an illness and providing a more stable future for loved ones.
$250 million
A retired U.S. Steel worker from Indiana won a 2003 mesothelioma trial after alleging the company was responsible for exposing him to asbestos insulation for decades. U.S. Steel was expected to appeal the $250 million verdict, but instead settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.
$115 million
In 1998, a Texas jury awarded $115 million to 21 steelworkers who developed asbestosis while working at an Alabama steel mill. Carborundum Company, the manufacturer of an asbestos-containing grinding wheel used at the mill, was ordered to pay $100 million in punitive damages.
$18.6 million
A Dallas county jury awarded $18.6 million in 2014 to the family of a tire builder who died of mesothelioma. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. employee was repeatedly exposed to asbestos over 30 years while working with Goodyear tire machines at a plant in Tyler, Texas.
$1.74 million
In 2011, the Delaware Supreme Court awarded damages to the family of a mother and son who died of pleural mesothelioma after exposures at a family auto shop. Four surviving family members received $1.24 million for pain and suffering and $500,000 in a wrongful death verdict.
Mesothelioma Legal Myths & Concerns
There are many misconceptions about the mesothelioma legal process and why it is important to hire a specialized lawyer. Don’t let these misconceptions prevent you from seeking important legal help.
I Should Focus on My Health Now and Speak with a Lawyer Later
Although investing your time and energy into treatment and feeling better is important, mesothelioma lawsuits are time sensitive. Depending on your location, state laws may prevent you from filing a claim one or two years after learning about your diagnosis. In addition, the sooner you seek legal help, the sooner you may be able to receive compensation to cover medical expenses.
I Don’t Want to Choose the Wrong Lawyer
If you’re concerned about the cost of legal counsel, you should know most mesothelioma attorneys offer free consultations. It’s possible to discuss your case with a qualified lawyer with no obligations, giving you a chance to find someone you are comfortable with at no cost. If you decide to file a lawsuit, you only need to pay your lawyer if you receive an award from a settlement or trial verdict.
I Don’t Want to Sue the Government
Mesothelioma lawsuits are filed against companies that produced and sold asbestos, not the government. If you were exposed to asbestos during military service, you may have the option to file a lawsuit against a company that supplied asbestos-containing products to the armed forces. If you don’t feel comfortable filing a lawsuit, you may be able to recover funds by filing a VA claim.
Any Lawyer Can Help Me File a Claim

Because mesothelioma lawsuits are complicated, you want to have an experienced lawyer on your side. Attorneys who are well-versed in these types of cases know the ins and outs of filing a claim. They offer you the best chance of winning compensation to cover treatment and provide for your family. Make sure your lawyer has a proven track record of success. This includes winning verdicts in the courtroom, should your case go to trial.

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