7 Jenis Ubat Dari Limau Kasturi. Wow! Rugi Jika Tidak Tahu

Biarpun bentuk dan saiz limau kasturi ini kecil, namun tahukah anda bahawa limau kasturi ini mempunyai 1001 khasiat dan kebaikan yang umumnya ramai tidak mengetahuinya. Rata-rata menggunakan limau kasturi untuk memberi rasa masam pada hidangan atau paling tidak dijadikan minuman yang cukup menyelerakan. Oleh itu jom semak khasiat limau kasturi yang diamalkan oleh orang dulu-dulu dalam merawat beberapa masalah kesihatan.
1. Batuk
Ambil limau, kicap dan garam. Minum setiap pagi dan malam secara teratur. Lama-kelamaan batuk akan beransur pulih.
2 . Demam
Petiklah 2-4 genggam daun limau kasturi. Rebus dengan 2 hingga 4 gelas air. Gunakan air rebusan ini untuk menuam pesakit yang demam. Caranya dengan basahkan kain pada air rebusan lalu ditempelkan pada dahi pesakit.
3 . Pening kepala
Ambil sebiji limau kasturi dan potong sedikit di bahagian atasnya. Kemudian, picit kulit limau kasturi tadi sehingga cecairnya keluar. Pastikan anda menghalakan cecair tu ke arah hidung semasa ia terpancut.
4 . Lelah
Ambil sesudu madu, kemudian campurkan dengan 5 titik jus limau kasturi. Minumlah campuran madu dan jus limau kasturi tadi. Amalkan cara ini seminggu sekali.
5. Kegemukan
Perahan limau kasturi yang di campur dengan teh tanpa gula dan diminum setiap hari. Sebaik-baiknya biarlah teh yang diminum itu teh panas, kesannya lebih cepat. Amalkan meminum air ini dan insya-Allah perut anda yang buncit akan menjadi kempis dan kemas semula.
6. Kelemumur
Biasakan mencuci rambut dengan beberapa helai daun rambutan yang diramas bersama setengah cawan air hingga mengeluarkan lendir. Kemudian bancuh sebati lendir daun rambutan bersama dua cawan santan dan sebiji air limau kasturi. Lumur pada seluruh kepala dan balut menggunakan tuala lembap. Biar sebentar sebelum dibilas bersih, Lakukan seminggu sekali.
7 . Kepala Berbau
Ambil beberapa biji limau kasturi dan hiriskan. Kemudian gosokkan ke seluruh kepala. Biarkan beberapa minit, kemudian barulah cuci hingga bersih. Selain mewangikan rambut, limau nipis juga boleh menghilangkan rasa pening dan menyejukkan kulit kepala.
Source : News Viral
Top 10 Misunderstood Things About Car Insurance
After spending many years in the insurance industry we have come up with a top 10 list of most misunderstood things about car insurance.  These car insurance myths are some of the most common questions that most people have about direct car insurance either buying or reviewing their  auto insurance coverage.  Its better to find out now before you have a claim and  it's too late.
I just got my 1st speeding ticket my insurance rates are going to go way up.
Reality:  If this is your first ticket your rates probably won't even change.  Most direct car insurance providers will give you a pass if you don't have any other tickets or claims in the past 3 to 5 years depending on the company.
That new Plasma TV I bought last year won't affect my Car Insurance
Reality:  If you didn't pay the credit card  you charged it on then it just might.  Almost all insurance companies now use some form of credit scoring when determining not only if you will qualify for insurance, but also what you will pay.  There can easily be 50% difference in rates for a person with excellent credit to someone with poor credit.
I just slammed my car door into my lawnmower parked in my garage, my homeowners policy will cover it
Reality:  Your homeowner's coverage has nothing to do with covering your car.  The only way your car will be covered is if you have Comprehensive (Comp) coverage for your car.  And then only after you pay you deductible.
I just cracked up my friends car and I tell him don't worry my insurance will cover it
Reality: It will but only after your friends policy pays first.  So let's say your friend has a $500 collision deductible and you have a $250 deductible.  You would have to give your friend the $500 for his deductible as his insurance company is Primary.  Meaning your insurance will only pay after his policy limits are exhausted.  So just remember in this scenario your deductible does not matter its going to be based on your friends.

 If you're riding your bicycle and get hit by a car your car insurance won't get involved
Reality:  If you get hurt or killed while riding your bike or even walking down the street you maybe surprised to learn that you may be covered by your direct car insurance policy.  If the person driving the car didn't have any insurance or not enough insurance to cover your injuries, your Uninsured or Underinsured coverage would pay for your claim.
 Someone just broke into my car and stole all of my personal belongings out of it i.e. Cd's, Cell phone, Christmas Presents, my car insurance will pay for it.
Reality:  Your car insurance does not cover your personal belongings left inside the car.  You are going to have to file a claim with your Homeowners or Renters insurance policy to be compensated for these items.  The general rule of thumb is your car insurance will only pay for items that are attached to the vehicle
 I am going to be charged more for my  Car Insurance because my car is red, blue, black, pink...
Reality:  The color of your car has absolutely nothing to do with your rates.  If you like red buy a red car, if you like black buy a black car.  Don't ever let this silly nonsense stop you from buying a car. 
 I didn't have a car for the last 2 years, this won't affect my rates.
Reality:  Not having continuous car insurance is frowned upon by most direct car insurance companies now a day's.  Some companies won't penalize you for not having prior insurance.  If you don't have prior insurance make sure you have a good excuse like you took the bus, or you were in the military, or some other legitimate reason.  Oh and by the way I couldn't afford my insurance is not on that list
Telling a little white lie on my insurance application won't affect my coverage if I ever have a claim
Reality:  This is one of the worst things a person can do.  If you lie on your insurance application there is a good chance you won't have any coverage when you need it the most.  You think they won't find out?  Remember these 2 things when insurance company is on the hook for a ton of money.  #1 They are going to start asking questions and the first thing they look at is your application.  Wouldn't you if you were them?  And reason #2, the insurance companies have more money than god and they have people working full time to find this stuff out.
 Buying a cheaper more reasonable car will be less to insure the a more expensive car.
Reality: There are a lot of different factors insurance companies use to determine rates, however there are many times were the rate for the more expensive car is less than the cheaper car.  One of the biggest factors for the Comp & Collision coverage's are how much do replacement parts cost.  Sometimes on those cheaper cars or the more exotic cars the replacement parts can cost a lot to replace.
So just remember the next time your online looking for a cheaper insurance policy, to consider some of your options.  There are hundred's of direct auto insurance companies out there looking to get in your pocket, just make sure when the time comes you can get into theirs.

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